Executive Summary

In its quest to improve interaction with healthcare communities across countries, Angelini Pharma leveraged a co-creative approach for customizing Salesforce with personalized features. Supported by BearingPoint, Angelini Pharma is now able to easily adapt its communication with healthcare professionals and make the overall experiences more effective and engaging.

We always look for impactful and actionable solutions to increase our stakeholders' engagement while promoting internal collaboration and efficiency. This is true for all our digital assets, including Salesforce. Partnering with BearingPoint helped us achieving these objectives, challenging the status quo aiming at continuous improvement.

Teile das

Marco Bagalini, Global Demand Management Head, Angelini Pharma

Looking for innovative features to improve communication

Angelini Pharma is a leading integrated pharmaceutical company with a direct presence in 20 countries and products marketed in around 70 countries. Having innovation at its core, the company is continuously engaged in pioneering high-quality solutions for healthcare professionals. As such, implementing state-of-the-art technologies for effective communication is always a priority for the company.  

Angelini Pharma wanted to leverage the full potential of Salesforce and switch to a more collaborative, interactive approach for its global teams, aiming to improve overall operational efficiency. The company also sought to increase engagement with healthcare professionals by going beyond the standard approach of its online communication campaigns.  

Customizing a seamless experience to engage with healthcare professionals

Together with Angelini Pharma, BearingPoint developed a customer-centric and co-creative approach based on three main pillars. First, a two-way communication channel was established with Angeliners to collaborate on the creation of new Salesforce features to meet their specific needs. Salesforce users were encouraged to submit ideas that were then analyzed and if considered appealing, integrated into the tool, making it a valuable asset across the organization. BearingPoint created Salesforce journeys and new email templates for personalized and targeted communication with healthcare professionals (HCPs). Additionally, BearingPoint enriched Salesforce with relevant information, such as HCPs behavior insights, to further enhance their experience. 

The second pillar was the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Academy, an annual training program to prepare Angelini Pharma's Digital Medicine team to take full advantage of Salesforce's capabilities.  

Finally, BearingPoint offered Angelini Pharma continuous consultancy for customizing and implementing new, useful Salesforce features, as well as extensive technical support for day-to-day tasks and issues. 

Driving engagement with personalized communications

Angelini Pharma now benefits from new Salesforce functionalities based on the 50+ insights collected over the course of a year. These enabled more productivity, reduced manual work, allowing for staff to focus on creating relevant content rather than designing new templates for each online communication. 

By using a personalized template aligned to global guidelines, emails sent to healthcare professionals are more attractive and reader friendly. Communication became more relevant and engaging through targeting based on recipient characteristics and needs. As a result, email click-through rates increased by more than 10%. Consequently, Angelini Pharma is now able to provide an improved overall experience for medical professionals. 

Angelini Pharma

Angelini Pharma is a top international healthcare group, specializing in Mental Health and Epilepsy, and a leading player in the Consumer Health segment. Operating in over 70 countries, it employs nearly 3,000 people and partners with international pharmaceutical groups. 

  • Angelini Pharma leverages Salesforce for a seamless experience for healthcare professionals
    Angelini Pharma leverages Salesforce for a seamless experience for healthcare professionals 1.1 MB Download

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