Executive Summary

Fluxys Belgium partnered with BearingPoint to implement the latest industry cloud application, in order to enable the transition from using manual processes and static data to employing digital management of assets and operations. By leveraging ETM.next, the company is now empowered with enhanced resource utilization, process efficiency, and real-time visibility of its equipment, leading to overall project management optimization.

The introduction of ETM.next marks a step change in how we operate. Its mobile app has transformed our daily tasks into a better follow-up of our equipment. The ability to scan QR codes on-the-go has not only expedited our processes but also enhanced our operational accuracy, we assure to have well maintained material on the right spot at the right time. The user-friendly design ensures that our team can utilize its full range of capabilities without a steep learning curve. We're more agile and responsive than ever before, thanks to ETM.next.

Teile das

Kürt Vanmelle, Head of Mechanics, Logistics & Warhousing at Fluxys Belgium

Streamlining internal processes to increase overall efficiency

Fluxys, a Belgium-headquartered leading player in the gas industry, performs complex activities with relation to the maintenance and operation of high-pressure energy transport infrastructure. Therefore, it is essential to complete projects on schedule, which requires the company to always have the appropriate equipment and tools at the correct location. Moreover, regular equipment checks and adjustments are needed to meet standard criteria, safety procedures, and national and legal obligations.

In order to enable more efficient project planning and prioritization, Fluxys needed to increase its visibility on the total usage of its assets. Using legacy systems and manual methods for handling requests took a lot of time and effort, often leading to inefficiencies and hold-ups. With an SAP system upgrade already underway, Fluxys was looking for a solution to enhance its internal processes for better resource utilization.

Developing a bespoke functionality to meet unique projects' requirements

Fluxys opted for ETM.next, a SaaS solution developed by BearingPoint, that offers a comprehensive and integrated platform for managing the entire lifecycle of resource units. The solution, built on SAP Business Technology Platform, enables seamless integration with other systems, as well as access to advanced analytics and cloud capabilities. BearingPoint worked with Fluxys to analyze and collect the information required to tailor the tool, covering all project processes, from installation to maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting activities. The next step comprised the mapping of logistic flows to ensure that all equipment followed the required stages in the full cycle of use, maintenance, and commissioning. By using the ETM.next mobile app, which supports the logistics and inspection processes, Fluxys' field workers can have access to all necessary information.

In order to meet the unique requirements of Fluxys, BearingPoint and Fluxys co-developed a new capability called Bundle Management. This feature allows Fluxys the functionality to manage the logistics of up to 800 resources that are shipped within a container to reach their construction sites as one unit and to trigger automatic completeness checks upon return. The completeness check is executed via the ETM.next mobile app, which allows scanning of QR codes assigned to each individual resource for easy identification of inspection of resources.

Improving management and adaptability of mobile assets to enhance performance and output

With ETM.next as its main equipment and tool management tool, Fluxys has improved visibility and control over its resources and assets. The time required to conduct a thorough check of a container has been cut in half through the use of the mobile app and industrial scanning devices. This substantially reduced manual work minimizes the risk of human errors, which results in enhanced efficiency and productivity of workflows. 

By gaining more consistent and transparent data, Fluxys can plan, monitor, and use the equipment optimally, leading to a better return on investment and reduced costs. The new solution enables Fluxys to be more agile, with the increased flexibility and scalability of its operations.


Fluxys is a fully independent infrastructure group headquartered in Belgium with 1,300 employees. With its infrastructure it puts energy in motion. In Europe, the Middle East and Latin America. This company transports natural gas and is ready to transport hydrogen, biomethane and any other low-carbon energy carriers, as well as CO2, all in an ongoing effort to support carbon capture, reuse and storage.

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