In a world of uncertainties most recently exhibited by the global health crisis, the application of IoT promises predictability for businesses, organizations and professionals.

Recent global sanitary, socio-economic and geopolitical context has been tumultuous to say the least. World leaders, global CEOs, health organizations and professionals alike need more consistency, reliability & overall stability.

More than ever, in these contexts the application of IoT can prove to be of vital importance. Our extensive research, succinctly resumed in our annual white paper, demonstrates the quantitative & qualitative value of IoT implementation in various sectors.

In industries ranging from health to construction, we measure the gains IoT can promise complete with examples of successful real-life applications. For each industry, we also focus on the key players that have emerged in the past year, as they become a part of a very dynamic and ever-evolving IoT eco-system.

Finally, we focus on IoT platforms through several use cases : from product catalog to combining with edge features, and data analysis and decision making, we show how to facilitate the provision of IT and data components that include connectors to retrieve and process data.

  • IoT France & international 2021: Market trend analysis and use cases
    IoT France & international 2021: Market trend analysis and use cases 17.73 MB Download

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