The retail industry has undergone several major transformations, challenges, and disruptions during the past 20 years. Several external factors shaped this transformation such as macroeconomic conditions, demographic changes, evolutions in consumer behavior and the democratization of new technologies. 

The pandemic added fuel to the fire.

The retail sector has been very resilient and although the crisis has not triggered major disruptions, however it has been the tipping point for some retailers, underlying some trends and accelerating the rapid transformation towards what we would call the 'Unified Commerce':

  1. A unified 'hyperagile' Supply Chain to stay competitive in this rapidly changing world
  2. An e-commerce acceleration and an even more client-centric experience to deal with the highly digitalized context
  3. An evolution toward more intimate client relations in order to meet the increasing demands of a 'more digital' world
  4. An increased collective consciousness regarding environmental and social solidarity
  5. A promotion of contactless or touchless commerce due to new social distancing rules

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  • Bertrand Clémencin