Use innovative blockchain logics for secure funding instream - The project Token4Hope
Token4Hope - An award winning pro bono collaboration
Why transparency is key for non-profits
The project
How can non-profit organizations document best how they spent donations?
The approach we took with Token 4 Hope was to build a “Human2Human” donation system., which works based on blockchain technology. Donated money is converted into so-called humanity tokens. Humanity tokens are a digital substitute currency. The clue: The beneficiaries of the Wiener Hilfswerk – mainly families in need – receive these tokens via paper wallets and can use these as means of payment in dedicated social markets and second-hand shops. In April 2019, the project partners demonstrated how purchasing with the "tokens" works in real operation.
Such a project requires a diversity of skills
Token 4 Hope is not a result of only one player’s work. In fact, we now can say: the right partners were brought to the table and all of them contributed key skills and knowledge. Token 4 Hope is collective impact projects enabled with Wiener Hilfswerk (the non-profit that enabled a use case for the technology), Collective Energy, Decent (providing the applied blockchain technology), Blockchain Austria and BearingPoint.