The acceleration of digitalisation initiatives and the rapid deployment of new citizen-facing channels and services has been one of the key priorities for Government organisations throughout the ongoing global pandemic. As citizens and consumers, we can expect to return to ways of working and accessing both public and private sector services that are not 100% digital. However, in both cases the optimum and most-effective balance between digital and in-person engagement will vary significantly between different sectors.
BearingPoint’s citizen services maturity model incorporates the leading practices and capabilities that our Government and Public Sector teams have developed from client engagements across Europe. This includes designing solutions to enable the effective delivery of public services for a wide range of central and local Government, social and healthcare organisations. It provides an outside-in, citizen perspective of different public services at a point in time, and how they are designed and delivered, using a two-stage approach. Firstly, an assessment of the overall service maturity based on both general leading industry practices and our knowledge of future trends and possibilities. And secondly, a more detailed evaluation of the digital maturity of the service across several dimensions using BearingPoint’s established Digital Leaders Study methodology.
Our study includes a review and comparison of the Driving Licence process including licencing, education, and testing. This covers the online service offering, steps in the booking or application process, the provision of information about the process for citizens, the level of digital maturity of the service and the sophistication of the usability of online services.
In the future, with additional developments in digitalisation, autonomous driving, connected vehicles and transport integration, we can imagine a model which has converged to a point where citizens have just two options to take on their smart devices for their journeys. One, do they want a private transport experience, in their own vehicle, configured to the requirements of a point-to-point journey, potentially that they are not operating themselves, and where content and connected services are personalised to their needs. Or two, a public transport experience, potentially using a number of integrated modes, shared with others, at lower cost and with a lower level of personalisation in terms of routes and services.
Andrew Montgomery, Global Leader Government and Public Sector, BearingPoint
But for now, each country’s Driving Licence service is one that all citizens who wish to legally drive must access. And while it is a service that citizens typically only need every 10 years, key trends like digital identity, increased online service offerings and online usability have driven the transformation of services to different extents across global regions as can be seen in the digital capability assessment scores below.
Want to learn more about your country, please download a copy of our report. You can also get in touch with us - we would be more than happy to discuss the study results.