BearingPoint is now B Corp Certified

B Corp is a globally recognized certification that designates a company’s commitment to high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. With over 9,000 companies across more than 162 industries and 102 countries, the B Corp community is a strong network of leaders dedicated to building a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable economy.

The certification process takes a holistic approach, assessing practices and outputs across five key dimensions: governance, workers, customers, environment, and community. The verification phase is rigorous and intensive, and recertification is required every three years to ensure that standards continue to be met and to promote long-term resilience.

If you wish to learn more about B Corp, please visit B Lab Global Site (

Becoming a B Corp

We embarked on becoming a B Corp Certified as we are committed to making profound changes to support the shared vision of an inclusive, fair, and regenerative economy. We believe a sustainable and inclusive company must continuously improve how it impacts people and the planet. In 2020, we decided on a holistic strategy that put purpose at its center. A goal of the strategy was to become B Corp certified and show that focusing on people and the planet makes us more resilient, accelerates our excellence, and makes us a force for good.

Axelle Paquer, Sustainability Sponsor in BearingPoint’s Management Committee

Being B Corp Certified is another big achievement for BearingPoint and our clients as we move toward a more sustainable and diverse future. It shows our commitment to sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion. ‘Together we are more than business’ is more than a slogan for us. It is our purpose because we’re all in this together, and we aspire to do more for people, the planet, and society.

Axelle Paquer, Sustainability Sponsor in BearingPoint’s Management Committee

Our performance

As found below, we were evaluated in the five key impact areas. Additionally, B Lab viewed the impact we have on our clients, which resulted in extra points in the IBM (Impact Business Model).

B Corp

To learn more about our sustainability journey, read our 2023 Sustainability Report or visit our profile on the B Corporation website.

Interested in learning more about our path to becoming B Corp certified?

Contact our team.