BearingPoint is delighted to see the Decision Support Service (DSS) commence operations as part of Ireland’s compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The DSS will provide an essential service to people that may require help, now or in the future, with decision-making about their personal welfare or financial affairs. This is a major milestone in creating a more inclusive and equal society in Ireland. 

The DSS will maintain a register of, and supervise, different types of arrangements for those who may require support from others when making decisions. This will impact how public and private sector organisations engage with people who use their services. 

In addition, the DSS will promote and support advanced planning by way of an enduring power of attorney, and advanced healthcare directive.

It is estimated that up to 220,000 Irish people in Ireland will be supported by the new service. This includes adult with an intellectual disability, acquired brain injury or degenerative neurological condition such as dementia. It is estimated that 50% of the adult population will engage with the Decision Support Service at some point in their lifetimes.

BearingPoint was engaged by the Mental Health Commission to support the establishment of the Decision Support Service. This included defining the multi-year programme to establish the new organisation and service delivery model.  We have seen the DSS grow from a single employee to a fully functional organisation with streamlined business processes and ICT systems.

Claudia Carr

It has been an absolute privilege to work with the Mental Health Commission on this project. To have the opportunity to take an organisation from draft legislation to a fully operational service is rare. To establish a service that will have such a positive impact on the lives of so many in Ireland is truly unique.

Claudia Carr, Partner

BearingPoint's work with newly established Decision Support Service