As a result of successive crises - economic, health, geopolitical, etc. - customer relationship management has been thrown into turmoil.

The return of inflation and the critical environmental and geopolitical situations have had an impact on all individuals: citizens, users, members, and consumers. These events have changed their relationship with the world, which includes companies of which they are customers or users.

The increased digitalization and automation of contact did not reduce the number of inquiries, and customer service departments are struggling to respond to increasingly complex requests. In a society that calls for sobriety, with weakened and weary customers and employees that need to be re-engaged, companies and public institutions will have to be on all fronts to hope to maintain a good level of customer satisfaction. Quality of execution, simplicity, autonomy, personalization, emotion…all the ingredients must be present, as customers will not make any compromises!

In order to re-launch this quest for excellence and meaning in a changing world, we are pleased to share with you the Customer Experience 2023 trends. Do not hesitate to share your feedback with us!

  • Customer Experience 2023
    Customer Experience 2023 9.4 MB Download

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