The increasing sustainability challenges worldwide are putting pressure on governments and companies to take action, leading to rapidly changing regulatory requirements in Switzerland and the European Union. The CSRD, TCFD, and GRI1 regulations are expanding the scope and depth of mandatory ESG disclosure information and data requirements. This necessitates the provision, aggregation, and validation of substantial amounts of quantitative data sources, presenting a challenging and cost-intensive task.

According to the Center for European Policy Studies, the average recurring costs for CSRD implementation can be up to €1.6 million per report2. Our solution, the ESG Data Hub, is a sustainability data platform that streamlines the end-to-end ESG data lifecycle by reducing manual data sourcing, enhancing ESG data resilience, and facilitating analytics and data visualizations. Leveraging modern data architecture components powered by Snowflake, the ESG Data Hub enables robust data management capabilities.

ESG Data hub

In our experience, there is a set of challenges that companies encounter on their ESG data management journey:

  • Inadequate data management tools, such as Microsoft Excel, lead to errors, lack auditability features, and are resource-intensive when dealing with the large amounts of data needed for ESG reporting.
  • Poor data quality stems from different reporting entities using various collection methods and an cumbersome, inadequate digital infrastructure.
  • There is a need for more transparency and traceability in the ESG data provisioning and management during the curation process.

The ESG Data Hub offers a modern data platform architecture for integrating, aggregating, enriching, and presenting all your sustainability-related data. It acts as a single source of truth, allowing you to focus on the relevant insights from your auditable data rather than its manipulation.

The modules of the ESG Data Hub cover the entire ESG data management lifecycle. The data marketplace enables powerful ESG data sourcing and enriches your data with external data aligned with defined ESG taxonomies from trusted data providers and data contracts. The data platform empowers ESG data management through its modern architecture, a harmonized ESG data model, and our ESG data catalog. It reduces the effort required to aggregate, prepare, and distribute relevant ESG data across your company and makes your data future-proof. The ESG cockpit brings your ESG analytics and insights to a state-of-the-art level of visual analytics through the interactive cockpit. Additionally, the GenAI agent applies cutting-edge technology to generate new tailored insights based on your data. Finally, the reporting elevates your ESG reporting to the level required by the most relevant reporting frameworks.

Service and support

The ESG Data Hub offers flexible modules that can be used for a variety of ESG data applications, from visualizing ESG data in compliance with reporting standards to managing the entire ESG data lifecycle. We provide support for both the strategic definition and technical implementation of your use case through the ESG Data Hub.

Do you want to learn more about sustainability reporting or the ESG Data Hub? Contact us for a demo of our capabilities and how we can help you!

1CSRD = Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive; TCFD = Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures; GRI = Global Reporting Initiative
2CEPS - Cost-benefit analysis of the First Set of draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards


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