Our experience with the BSA

We find that one-day workshops or one-hour webinars are low-barrier formats for both participating ends: non-profits can receive impulses, tool knowledge and methodological inspiration in a format that respects their time and financial boundaries. While training budgets for non-profit staff are already limited, there is even less opportunity to professionalize for volunteers. Also, volunteering is usually done in parallel to a full-time job or other commitments. From a company perspective, we see that this form of engagement motivates many of our people to contribute (inviting our people to become session host is one of many ways in that we encourage our people to contribute to our Corporate Citizenship actions).

Yet, it is not only about taking a finished presentation out of the drawer. Our session hosts are asked to change the perspective and challenge their content to fit non-profits and their reality. Internally, we see such workshops and webinars on our “daily” topics as a useful first touchpoint with non-profits that may build the basis for longer-term cooperation.

By the way: The BSA 2021 will take place from October 25-28, and nonprofits can participate in several exciting and relevant webinars. You can register here: Startseite - Berlin Social Academy (berlin-social-academy.de)