Creating and curating your own digital ecosystem is not just the preserve of tech businesses or fresh new start-ups. It’s an opportunity all businesses in any sector should explore – and as this insight highlights, the time to start is now. Our new strategic approach- DEM allows telcos to boost IoT revenues easily and quickly
While the market for traditional services still dominates the internet of things (IoT) opportunity for many Telco’s, it’s growth potential cannot be ignored. With market values set to exceed $8 trillion over the next decade, IoT offers Telco’s tantalising new revenue stream options. However, many Telco’s risk losing out on this new, fast growing market. Huge diversity in application opportunities, disruptive new entrants and unfocussed strategies are potential roadblocks for success.
In this latest whitepaper, we discuss how Telco’s can become key figures in their IoT ecosystems, by adopting an enabling platform strategy to drive local ecosystems, encouraging innovation and coordinating multiple suppliers.
We call this strategic approach: DEM (Digital Ecosystem Management).
DEM platforms enable new revenue sharing models beyond traditional ones based on data consumption. They allow organisations to harness service offerings from a diverse supplier base using shared orchestration, monetization and administration tools to offer new service bundles to customers.
Crucially, a successful DEM strategy will:
BearingPoint provides a complete solution to telcos looking to move to a stronger business model in IoT.
At the core is our award-winning Infonova R6 Digital Ecosystem Management software. This is supported by our business and technical consulting methods designed to help clients create compelling investment cases and high impact implementation plans.
Download the whitepaper to learn the benefits of adapting and adopting DEM.