Navigating successfully through the turbulent waters of the current global macroeconomic, political and societal environment requires organisations and their leaders to consistently make good decision after good decision.

This is in the face of ever-changing pressures and requirements from across the stakeholder landscape – Government regulators, shareholders, suppliers of products and services, customer groups, the market for labour, social commentators and employees. And in an increasingly competitive and disrupted business environment it has never been more important to structure, organise and govern organisations to ensure they can be agile, flexible and above all resilient to withstand, and ultimately respond successfully to these challenges.

Without having these core elements in place organisations are unable to take advantage of market opportunities, can be slow to respond to threats, often repeat the same mistakes, while expecting different outcomes and fall behind with respect to the competition.

BearingPoint’s benchmarking data and experiences of working with leading companies and organisations across Europe in the commercial, financial and public services sectors indicates that they exhibit five core characteristics in relation to their organisational resilience and that they:

  1. Implement flexible organisational structures to enable them to align their strategy and provision of services and products to changing market and economic conditions
  2. Develop the capabilities, competencies and supporting systems within their organisation and people and empower them to deliver change at speed
  3. Build a collaborative and entrepreneurial culture to support longer term delivery even while under short term pressure
  4. Enable evidence-based real time decision making for strategic, tactical and operational decisions through the integration and management of corporate and external data sources
  5. Maintain an active ecosystem of partners and suppliers with the capabilities to provide complementary services and solutions in times of increased, reduced or changing market and economic conditions
  • Whitepaper: Developing a robust governance strategy
    Whitepaper: Developing a robust governance strategy 3.13 MB Download

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