Interoperable transactions are driving the mobile money industry. Bank-to-mobile and mobile-to-bank interoperable transactions are among the fastest-growing mobile money use cases.

However, across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), there are different models of mobile money interoperability. Feedback from mobile money providers suggests participation in these interoperability initiatives is not always favorable.
The GSMA Mobile Money team therefore partnered with BearingPoint on research to better understand the interoperability landscape and the commercial benefits and challenges faced by mobile money providers.
The report is based on key informant interviews and supply and demand-side datasets. It focuses on Ghana, Jordan, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda and explores the benefits, challenges and commercial aspects of each country’s interoperability model.

  • Download the study: The commercial sustainability of mobile money providers in interoperability initiatives
    Download the study: The commercial sustainability of mobile money providers in interoperability initiatives 2.94 MB Download

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