As a partner in Banking Capital Markets in Frankfurt I am focused on supporting leading banking clients to enhance profitability by improving their product portfolio and optimizing their operating models, creating regulatory compliance, and enabling innovation and growth.

I have been advising major investment banking clients and capital markets firms in Europe, Middle East and in Asia-Pacific for more than 20 years.

My consulting focus centers around the following questions:

  • DCM, equity capital markets, securitization, … What are global trends in investment banking and capital markets?
  • How can banks achieve profitable capital markets business and what needs to be done?
  • How do efficient operating models look like and which operating model suits which bank – there is now one size fits all
  • What is the right IT architecture for which business model?
  • Which regulation impacts a bank’s capital markets business? What needs to be done to achieve compliance?
  • How can banks and their capital markets business benefit from Blockchain Technology and other innovative trends?
  • How do digital and crypto currencies impact the economy and especially the banking industry?

There is no sustainable success for the capital markets business for banks without continues innovation. Since the times as a research fellow and lecturer at the University Erlangen-Nuernberg I have continuously published articles and papers on efficiency in capital markets and investment business and how banks can benefit from new technologies especially distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain.


  • Partner, BearingPoint

    2012 – Actuellement
    Frankfurt, Germany
  • Senior Manager BearingPoint

    2007 – 2012
    Frankfurt, Germany
  • Manager, BearingPoint

    2005 – 2007
    Frankfurt, Germany
  • Senior Consultant, BearingPoint

    2002 – 2005
    Frankfurt, Germany
  • Senior Consultant, Gerke & Partner

    2000 – 2002
    Nürnberg, Germany
  • Lecturer, research fellow, University Erlangen-Nürnberg

    1995 – 2000
    Nürnberg, Germany