Disasters can have a far-reaching, global impact on supply chain logistics, suppliers, and workforces and unexpected competition and market trends, and rapid changes in customer purchasing habits can also create supply change disruptions.

A flexible contingency plan and the ability to respond quickly to disruptions are essential to effective supply chain management. To be truly resilient, a supply chain must be able to forecast and anticipate disruptions, and in many cases, avoid them entirely.

In this webinar, you will learn from BearingPoint, Grünenthal and JAGGAER experts, three steps to mitigating supply chain disruptions:

  1. Identify the critical parts of your Supply Chain (using advanced analytics)
  2. Understand the risks continuously (utilizing integrations)
  3. Mobilize the extended enterprise (leveraging digital platforms)

Webinar main takeaways:

  • Appropriate sourcing to keep a healthy supplier base
  • Anticipating well and quickly to emerging risks
  • Digital transformation is the foundation for supply chain resilience

Take your supply chain to the next level 

Let us support you in making your supply chain resilient with our holistic approach to managing risk and scaling it throughout your organization.

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